Joy is a habit. It's a muscle you can strengthen.
Here at The Joy Gym we'll teach you how to cultivate more joy in life, give you exercises to strengthen the mental muscles that cultivate joy, and invite you to join our community of mental athletes looking to do the same thing!
"If you are reading this and on the fence about giving something new a chance - know that you are beyond lucky to have come across his work and the opportunity to work with him. I am excited for all that you will begin to experience once you've started to heal with Jamal and The Joy Gym. "
- Stephanie Arnouk

Learn the concepts necessary to cultivate joy and skillfully navigate pain.

Learning is action. Here at The Joy Gym we take things past just theory. We give you exercise you can add to your life immediately to cultivate more joy in your life.

The chance of creating new habits increases drastically when we do it with a community. Come connect with people just like you and join our weekly events to help build a more consistent routine.
What's good? I’m Jamal Washington, the Founder and CEO of The Joy Gym.
My life changed forever when I almost died in a car accident while working in Mexico.
Luckily I was fine physically - outside of a few bruises and a broken bone in my left wrist. Mentally, well that was a different story
I had developed PTSD and it affected every aspect of my work and life. Eventually I had to leave my job at Microsoft due to stress and burnout.
I rediscovered meditation to try and feel better, then picked up yoga, then discovered coaching. Before I knew it I had built enough emotional resilience to still experience joy even if I was struggling with PTSD symptoms. I realized that joy can be experienced independent of conditions if we’ve strengthened the “muscle” enough.
At that moment it became clear that my purpose was to help others cultivate joy through exercises.
So I started The Joy Gym! Now stressed and unfulfilled professionals come to me when they want to create more satisfaction and joy in their lives.
Check out some of the courses where I can teach you the same exercises I used to climb out of the lowest points in my life.
Exercises that cultivate joy
We're in the lab getting the courses ready for you! Come back in a week or two friend :)